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Mountain Valley & The Big Green Egg Present The Big Green Summer Giveaway - Enter Now!

Big Green Egg grilling with burgers, corn and Mountain Valley

If you're anything like us, then you never want summer to end. So this August we're making the most of these remaining sweet summer days by joining forces with another iconic green brand, The Big Green Egg, for The Big Green Summer Giveaway! The Big Green Egg is the highest quality, most versatile and simplest-to-use outdoor cooker you’ll ever own, so we're giving one away to a loyal fan. That's right, one lucky entrant HERE will win a Large Big Green Egg in an intEGGrated Nest+Handler Package as well as a full pallet of Mountain Valley Spring Water - that's 60 CASES of your favorite Spring & Sparkling water in 333ml glass - all delivered to their door. 

A grilled summer feast featuring Mountain Valley Spring Water

To celebrate this match made in green heaven, we'll be bringing you some special recipes from Big Green Egg "eggsperts" - yeah, we said it - all month long. So stay tuned here for more recipes and tips to make the most of these dog days of summer. And, if you'd like your dinner table to be filled with the best grilled summer favorites and America's original premium spring water - then ENTER TODAY through Friday, September 8:

Big Green Egg grill with Mountain Valley Spring Water

Good luck and happy grilling! 


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