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Spring Water for Pets: How Mountain Valley Keeps Your Furry Friends Hydrated


Our pets are more than just pets. They share our homes and our lives. They don’t judge us for our taste in music or for eating cold pasta for breakfast. They’re happy to snuggle as we mindlessly scroll on our phones. They leave smudgy nose prints on our windows — and our hearts. 

Our pets are our family and, as family,  it’s our job to keep them healthy and hydrated. 

An easy way to do so: Mountain Valley Spring Water. 

Turns out, the same mineral-rich spring water beloved by our legions of human fans is great for pets, too. With naturally occurring calcium, magnesium and potassium, trace minerals that give our spring water its crisp, refreshing flavor, Mountain Valley brings the pickiest of dogs, cats  and even famous racehorses to the water bowl again and again. 

Is it safe for my pet to drink spring water?

Yes. Any water that is safe for human consumption is also safe for your pets. Bottled spring waters such as Mountain Valley are perfectly safe for dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, guinea pigs and even horses. 

In fact, Mountain Valley Spring Water has a long and storied equine history. A number of trainers have relied on Mountain Valley to hydrate their thoroughbred racehorses. The most famous of these thoroughbreds: none other than the legendary Triple Crown winner Secretariat

In 1973, after breezing through the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness, Secretariat and his trainers found themselves poised to make history at the Belmont Stakes in New York’s Belmont Park. The only snag: Secretariat exclusively drank Mountain Valley Spring Water, and the horse needed more of it. Thankfully, former Mountain Valley New York President John G. Scott and his daughter Ann came to the rescue. 

“Secretariat was our greatest customer,” recalled Ann, who was 16 years old at the time. “Dad received a call that Secretariat needed more water delivered to Belmont because there wasn’t enough to last until the scheduled Monday delivery.”

The Scotts could have called up their staff and quickly organized a shipment, but instead the family took matters into their own hands, loading up their station wagon with gallons upon gallons of Mountain Valley Spring Water and making the delivery themselves, from their home in Bronxville, New York south to Belmont Park. 

“They let me pet Secretariat and brush his mane, an experience that I’ll never forget,” Ann said. “He was majestic! They told us how important Mountain Valley Water was to them.”

The trainers also gave Ann, her dad and their entire family tickets to the big race. On June 9, 1973, the Scotts watched Secretariat make history, fueled, in part, by Mountain Valley, read the full story here

Why choose spring water for your pets?

Why choose spring water for your furry friends? For the same reasons we choose it for ourselves: Mountain Valley’s award-winning spring water is delicious and good for you. Our water is naturally infused with trace minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. These minerals don’t come from a factory, they come from Mother Nature, steeped into our spring water over the course of millennia as our water filters from deep within the earth through layers of limestone, granite and marble, before bubbling to the surface of our protected spring in the Ouachita Mountains of the southern U.S. 

These all-natural minerals give our water the refreshingly crisp flavor that’s made Mountain Valley the most award-winning spring water in the United States. These minerals also give our imbibers — and their pets — the healthful balance they deserve. 

The benefits of drinking spring water:

  • Mountain Valley Spring Water is slightly alkaline with a perfectly balanced pH of 7.3
  • Our trace minerals are great for bone health and cardiovascular health
  • Our award-winningly delicious flavor means you’re likely to drink more water and stay better hydrated

Many of these healthful spring-water benefits also extend to our pets. 

What’s the safest water for my pet?

If you safely drink tap water, filtered water, artesian water or spring water — then you can also give that water to your pets. Any still water that is safe for human consumption is safe for pet consumption. 

To keep pets healthy, the experts at Hill’s Pet Nutrition and PetMD say to avoid these waters:

Distilled water: Though a small amount of distilled water won’t do harm, if your pet drinks only distilled water — which is void of minerals and may cause them to lose electrolytes — it can be harmful to an animal’s cells and tissues

Fish tank water: Whether it’s a koi pond in the yard or an aquarium on a shelf, these waters are chemically treated to reduce algae and keep fish healthy; they are not meant for cats and dogs

Ocean water: Salt water from the ocean has more than 100 times the amount of sodium found in tap water; excess consumption of ocean water can lead to severe dehydration and diarrhea. It can also lead to salt poisoning, or hypernatremia, which negatively impacts an animal’s nervous system

Pool water: While a little pool water likely won’t harm healthy pets, too much pool water and its salted/chlorinated chemicals can lead to diarrhea and dehydration

Puddles: Often laced with toxic runoff, germs and bacteria, don’t let your pet drink puddled water in streets, parks, or even your own home and yard

Stagnant bodies of water: Without proper circulation, ponds and lakes can become hotbeds for algae, fungi, bacteria and parasites, which can wreak havoc on your pet

Toilet water: While a sip or two likely won’t hurt your pet, constant drinking from the toilet increases your pet’s exposure to potentially toxic chemicals such as bleach and ammonia

Community water bowls: You’re strolling along with your pup and see a crowd of dogs drinking from a bowl. It’s tempting to stop and let yours have a turn, but experts advise against this, as such bowls can harbor parasites, bacteria, viruses and more. However, if the community bowl is fresh with newly poured water, then there is likely less risk

Again, if water is safe for human consumption, it’s also safe for your furry family members.

Spring water is safe for pets and keeps them hydrated

If you want your pet to drink more water throughout the day, then the refreshing taste of spring water may help. If you’d like your pet to enjoy the things you enjoy, then there is no harm in sharing your award-winning bottles of Mountain Valley Spring Water with your furry, feathery family members. 

Mountain Valley Spring Water is free of toxic chemicals, and it’s naturally packed with crisp flavor as well as healthful trace minerals.

Does this make our spring water the best? We think so. And so do our many fans across the country. Whether it’s for Buddy, Fluffy, the next Triple Crown winner, or simply the human members of your family, there is no spring water more deliciously award winning than Mountain Valley. 

Taste for yourself; get started with home or office delivery today. While you’re at it, treat your pet to its own shatter-proof bottle of Mountain Valley happiness -- our exclusive dog toys are available here. They make for great stocking stuffers for pampered pooches (though we hear cats dig them, too). 

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