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Functional water: What is it? And is it worth the hype?

Functional water sounds like the water you’d find rushing through a dam to provide electricity for a city. However, this trendy health and wellness topic is all over the internet - and grocery store aisles - at the moment. 

So, what is functional water? At its simplest, functional water is water that has been spruced up with extra ingredients — vitamins, minerals, herbs, antioxidants — that purportedly impart said water with greater health benefits. 

Various brands of “functional waters” claim to help with everything from immune-system health to skincare to hangover recovery. Some of these “waters” are even enhanced with whey protein and claim to build muscle. 

The reality of these so-called waters is that they are more like sodas and sweetened beverages than they are water. And water is something we at Mountain Valley Spring Water know well.

Since 1871, Mountain Valley has bottled the country’s crispest and most refreshing spring water from our protected spring in the Ouachita Mountains of the southern U.S. Is Mountain Valley Spring Water “functional water”? That depends on how you look at it. On one hand, Mountain Valley Spring Water needs no enhancements. Zip. Zero. Nada. Our water is delightfully crisp and wonderfully delicious on its own. On the other hand, Mountain Valley is naturally rich in minerals that not only make our water taste great, but that also make it great for you, your body and your health. 

Functional water: The natural minerals in Mountain Valley Spring Water

Unlike many “functional waters,” the trace minerals found in each bottle of Mountain Valley Spring Water aren’t put there by machines in factories. Our minerals come from Mother Nature herself — as they have for thousands of years. 

Each sip of Mountain Valley started as drops of rain and flakes of snow that formed more than 3,000 years ago and sank into the rich soil surrounding our spring. This water collected in granite-lined aquifers deep inside the earth. As those aquifers filled, the water pushed back to the surface through layers of quartz, limestone and marble. These striations naturally infused Mountain Valley Spring Water with hints of magnesium, calcium and potassium; minerals that play key roles in the healthful functioning of the human body. 

Magnesium: Key to muscle and nerve function; helps regulate blood sugar; promotes deep sleep and heart health

Calcium: Essential for strong bones and teeth; helps in weight maintenance; reduces cancer risk

Potassium: Balances the body’s pH; boosts muscle repair after exercise; helps transmit nerve signals to the brain

These trace minerals give Mountain Valley Spring Water a lush and rounded taste, as well as a natural alkalinity. Unlike tap water, which can have a pH as low as 6.5, Mountain Valley’s natural pH ranges from 7.2 to 7.4, meaning our water is basic or alkaline. This alkalinity may help balance the many acidic foods — sodas, red meat, processed foods — that have become commonplace in modern diets. Alkaline waters may also help with acid reflux and other gastrointestinal disorders. 

Functional water: Make Mountain Valley even more functional

If you want even more function out of Mountain Valley’s already deliciously functional spring water, we are happy to help. Yes, of course our water is beautifully hydrating on its own, but we are not opposed to healthy-ing things up even more when needed. Especially if we can do so naturally, with no added sugar or artificial sweeteners, and with very little effort. 

Often, the easiest way to boost the functionality of your water is by infusing it with produce. Fresh fruits, herbs and even vegetables can add vital nutrients to your water quickly. From slices of apple to a zesty spritz of lime, here’s a breakdown of the many benefits these additions can offer:

Apples: Rich in B vitamins, as well as potassium, copper and vitamin K

Berries: Loaded with potassium, magnesium, manganese, vitamins C, K and E, berries of all kinds and colors are also a great source of prebiotics that boost gut health

Citrus: Lemon, lime, grapefruits and oranges bring a tartly sweet kick to water. These citrus fruits are also great sources of vitamin C, potassium, folate, calcium, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, riboflavin and more. 

Cucumbers: A great source of B and C vitamins, along with minerals such as copper, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium

Herbs: A sprig of thyme, a leaf of basil, a muddle of mint — herbs add a verdant pop of color to your water and are excellent sources of vitamins A, C and K. Many herbs also contain polyphenols, plant compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Watermelon: A plentiful source of potassium, vitamins C and A, folate and magnesium

Want more information on how to infuse water with healthful fruits and vegetables? Read all about it here

Functional water: DIY electrolyte sports drinks

Functional waters can be especially functional after long, sweaty workouts. This is when the body’s reserves of minerals and electrolytes are most depleted and need to be restored. For many people, sports drinks — those rainbow-hued and often sugar-jammed beverages — are a go-to source for replenishing electrolytes. 

But did you know that you can make these drinks yourself? Not only will they be delicious and hydrating, they will also be free of gut-busting sweeteners. 

Recipe: Homemade electrolyte sports drink

Made with a pinch of salt and lemon juice, this recipe, adapted from, replenishes vital electrolytes without a bunch of sugar or fake sweeteners. We like to call it Mountain Valley-ade. 


  • 8 ounces Mountain Valley Spring Water
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • Tiny pinch of salt (roughly 1/20 of a teaspoon or 0.2 grams)
  • Dash of honey or agave syrup (optional)


  • Stir water, lemon juice and salt until salt has dissolved. Taste.
  • Add a dash of honey or agave syrup if desired and stir until combined. 

Want to learn more about low-calorie and no-calorie hydration? We wrote a whole blog about it; just click here

Talk about Functional: Water delivered to your doorstep

If you want to get on the functional water trend the right way, with great water that is truly and naturally functional, then Mountain Valley Spring Water is the way to go. We are the best and most award-winning bottled water in the U.S. for a reason: Mountain Valley is, quite simply, that good

The even better thing about Mountain Valley Spring Water? Home or office delivery of this lush, crisp and wonderfully functional water is just a click away. That’s right, you can have Mountain Valley Spring Water delivered to your very doorstep with just a few clicks. Get started here.

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