At Mountain Valley Spring Water, we know a good thing when we see it, and our reusable, refillable glass water jugs aren’t just good, they are exceptional — and they are exceptionally good for the environment. Mountain Valley has been bottling spring water from the Ouachita Mountains in many of the same reusable 2.5 and 5-gallon glass jugs for generations.
You read that correctly. We have been filling, delivering, retrieving, cleaning, sanitizing, refilling and redelivering the same 2.5 and 5-gallon glass water-cooler jugs for decades, for longer than some of our loyal fans have even been alive.
In fact, Mountain Valley is the only U.S. bottled water company to have continued this eco-conscious practice into modern day, and we are the only company to offer nationwide delivery of reusable, refillable 2.5 and 5-gallon glass water jugs.
How, exactly, does it work? It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 (4, 5, 6 and 7) …
- We source crisp, pure, award-winning spring water from our protected spring located in the lushly verdant heart of the Ouachita Mountains in the Southern U.S.
- We bottle that delicious, mountain-sourced water into clean, sanitized 2.5 and 5-gallon glass jugs
- We deliver those glass jugs to the homes and offices of our customers coast to coast across the United States
- Our customers enjoy the water, then leave the empty glass jugs on their doorsteps for collection by our delivery folks
- We pick up the empties and return them to Mountain Valley headquarters, where we clean and sanitize the bottles, then fill them with more of our refreshing premium spring water
- We deliver those newly refilled jugs back to homes and offices coast to coast across the United States
- The cycle repeats and repeats

Eco-friendly bottled water: The beauty of bottling in glass jugs
Mountain Valley Spring Water’s 2.5 and 5-gallon glass jugs are, quite honestly, beautiful. Perch one atop your favorite ceramic or stainless steel water dispenser, and you have a functional yet eye-catching centerpiece that will soon become the hydrating heart and soul of your kitchen. Pro-tip: click here for some of our dispenser favorites.

But, as with so many beautiful things, the true beauty of our 2.5 and 5-gallon glass jugs lies within. In addition to being reusable and refillable, Mountain Valley’s glass water jugs allow you to do your part to help reduce using single-serve water bottles. With our glass jugs, you can pour Mountain Valley’s crisply refreshing spring water into any vessel you choose. Fill and refill your favorite water bottle, your morning tea cup, your midday tumbler, your bedside water glass. You can even take a cue from one of our favorite chefs and use your jug of Mountain Valley Spring Water to fill your pasta pot — boiling handmade noodles in the purely sourced goodness of Mountain Valley is a chef’s secret we can’t help but share.
One 5-gallon glass jug of Mountain Valley Spring Water saves many plastic water bottles from entering the environment. And, when you and your family — or office family — are finished with said jug, just leave it on your doorstep where our network of local distributors will collect it and return it, to be cleaned, sanitized, filled and delivered once more.

Eco-friendly bottled water: Materials that sustain
Since our inception in 1871, Mountain Valley has relied on glass for our bottles. That’s because the neutrality and purity of glass and the purity of our naturally sourced, naturally balanced spring water are inextricable. You can’t have one without the other.
Glass is endlessly recyclable. Glass is reusable. Glass is sustainable. And our emerald-green glass bottles are, if we may say, quite pretty to look at, as well. We love seeing half-full glass bottles of Mountain Valley Spring Water atop restaurant tables and picnic blankets. We also love seeing our empty glass bottles upcycled into something new, something artful, something wholly unique.
In recent years, we’ve found ourselves looking beyond glass to materials that are just as recyclable and sustainable, but that are also lightweight, portable and able to go wherever you our faithful customer goes. Hence, we introduced a lineup of aluminum water bottles that is growing all the time. Mountain Valley’s aluminum bottles of naturally sourced spring water won’t shatter, and they’re easy to fit into a backpack or tote, making them easy to carry when hiking, biking, or simply hitting the pool or beach.

Eco-friendly bottled water: Easy and convenient home water delivery
The word “sustainable” is often bandied about with little regard for what it actually means. At Mountain Valley Spring Water, we view sustainability not as a goal or aspiration, but as a way of life. It is, quite simply, how we operate. More so, it’s how we have operated for more than 150 years.
Whether it’s our recycled-glass bottles and refillable, reusable glass water jugs, or the lightweight, 100% recyclable aluminum we use in our newest bottled-water lineup — all of which are available for quick, convenient home delivery — we want our water containers to be as eco-friendly as our water is pure, crisp and delicious.

The beauty of these wants is that they go hand in hand. Great spring water comes in sustainable, environmentally friendly bottles; and sustainable, environmentally friendly bottles beget great spring water.
It is a win-win for everyone involved — the earth and your thirst included. Quenching said thirst in a sustainable fashion has never been simpler. Thanks to home delivery and office delivery of Mountain Valley Spring Water (from 2.5 and 5-gallon glass water jugs, to cases of our glass and aluminum water bottles), you can have the award-winning natural goodness that is Mountain Valley dropped off at your doorstep. No muss. Very little fuss. Just sustainably packaged spring water delivered for your sipping pleasure.
Mountain Valley Spring Water is available for delivery coast to coast across the U.S., from the cliffs of California to the isles of Florida to the craggy coasts of Maine, and everywhere in between. Get started with spring water delivery by clicking here.
*Please recycle. Recycling facilities may not be available in your community.