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Give your skin a Mountain Valley boost: The benefits of infusing spring water into your skincare routine

When it comes to healthy skin, you often hear the same advice: Drink more water. 

Proper hydration is essential to almost every aspect of wellness, from liver and kidney function to digestion, vision and, yes, skin health, too. Water works from the inside out. Drinking an adequate amount of water boosts skin’s elasticity and improves blood flow to the skin’s surface. 

But water could make skin feel healthier and dewier from the outside in, as well. 

From moisturizers to hydrating facial mists, spring water is pouring into the beauty market. These spring-water-infused skincare products promise to cool and cleanse even the most fragile of skin while also potentially infusing skin with trace minerals. Spring water is said to soothe inflammation, calm redness and ease irritation. Many of these products are made with mineral-rich waters that claim to be sourced from thermal springs. And many of these products charge $13 or more for a few meager ounces of … H2O. 

At Mountain Valley Spring Water, we figure we can help you skip the facial-mist middle managers with three tips and tricks for adding a spritz of Mountain Valley refreshment to your skincare routine. 

Our award-winning spring water has been sourced from our protected spring deep in the heart of Arkansas’s Ouachita Mountains for more than 150 years. Our all-natural spring infuses Mountain Valley Spring Water with trace amounts of essential minerals, including calcium, magnesium and potassium, for water that feels as crisply refreshing as it tastes. 

Tip 1: Make your own DIY spring water facial mist

This one’s so easy, it almost feels silly explaining it. Simply take your favorite, clean spray bottle, pour in some Mountain Valley Spring Water, and spritz away. 

While almost any spray bottle will do, you can find specialty misting bottles and bottles that offer a fine, continuous spray of water on Amazon and at many beauty stores. 

When to use your spring water facial mist … 

First thing in the morning: Spritz a little on your face and neck to start the day

Before applying moisturizer: Amp up your hydration with a little facial mist to give your moisturizer some extra H2O

With your makeup: Foundation too heavy? Hit it with a spritz of mist for smoother coverage

Following your makeup: Beauty experts say a spritz of water can offer a dewy finish to your look

After working out: Refresh and revive your skin (and cool it down) with a spray of spring water

Tip 2: How to infuse your existing skincare products with spring water

Is your lotion too thick? Clay mask getting cakey? Want to get the last of your favorite moisturizer out of its bottle?

Instead of using tap water, add a little Mountain Valley Spring Water. 

Keep a bottle of Mountain Valley in your bathroom for use with cosmetics, cleansers and any other skincare products that could use a boost of mineral-infused refreshment. 

Tip 3: Make an easy DIY spring water mask

Whether you have a favorite oatmeal mask or a yogurt-infused concoction you swear by, a touch of Mountain Valley Spring Water can make these DIY facials feel all the more hydrating. Simply take your favorite face mask recipe and make it with Mountain Valley instead of tap water.

Don’t have a tried-and-true facial mask? Here are some of our favorites adapted from The Healthy

Oatmeal spring water facial mask: Heat ½ cup Mountain Valley Spring Water to scalding (not boiling). Add ⅓ cup oatmeal and stir. Mix in 2 tablespoons plain yogurt, 2 tablespoons honey and one egg white. Apply a thin layer of the mask to your face. Let sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing. 

Yogurt spring water facial mask: Mix 1 teaspoon plain yogurt with the juice from ¼ of an orange, some of the orange pulp, ½ teaspoon aloe and ½ teaspoon Mountain Valley Spring Water. Apply all over your face and neck and leave on for at least 5 minutes before rinsing. 

Egg spring water facial mask: Each part of the egg offers varying benefits. For dry skin, blend only the yolk with 1 teaspoon Mountain Valley Spring Water, apply to the face, then wait 30 minutes before rinsing. For normal skin, blend 1 whole egg with 1½ teaspoons Mountain Valley Spring Water. For oily skin, blend only the egg white with 1 teaspoon of Mountain Valley Spring Water. 

Yeast spring water facial mask: For young people and those with excessively oily skin, yeast can help absorb the oils and unclog pores. Mix a 0.25-ounce packet of yeast with 3 drops of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of Mountain Valley Spring Water to form a paste, adding more water as needed. Spread the mix on your face and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing. 

Mountain Valley Spring Water - refreshing inside and out for 150 years 

For crisp, award-winning hydration that refreshes mind, body, soul  — and skin — no one does it better than Mountain Valley Spring Water. Born in 1871, we were the first bottled water to deliver coast to coast across the United States. And we are the preferred bottled water of scores of presidents, iconic athletes, and The King himself, Elvis Presley. 

Find out what all the fuss is about. Have the purely sourced goodness that is Mountain Valley Spring Water delivered to your home or office — get started here.

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