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Unlock the Cleansing Power of Citrus

Our Sparkling Lime Twist is as elegant as it is refreshing. For Yogis, Foodies, and health conscious water lovers alike, it's a favorite for mixing with fresh fruits. Today, we've got a simple, crisp signature detox water recipe that's perfect for drawing out the toxins and bringing balance to your body.

Third Eye Triple Citrus Twist

Start with our Mountain Valley Sparkling Lime Twist and add fresh lemon and orange slices. Allow the citrus juices of each to open up and mix with the water by giving each slice a little squeeze before dropping it in.

Our water has been pure for over 145 years, and we'd never add colorants, preservatives, or sweeteners.

But when you add the natural cleansing benefits of citrus, you get a blend that expels toxins you didn't even know you had. Both the lemon and the orange will give you more than enough vitamin C, and they're an excellent source of potassium, copper, thiamin, riboflavin, iron, and pantothenic acid, just to name a few. The high levels of D-Limonene in these fruits also promote digestive regularity, soothe heartburn, and is known to have anti-cancer effects. We recommend drinking this one at dinnertime.

We'd love to see your spin on these signatures. Be sure to share on Instagram and tag us! You can also see more of our signature wellness water blends like The Berry Well of Goodness, and our favorite appetite suppressant mix, the Crisp Grapefruit & Mint Calorie Buster.
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