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Replenish Your Well

We hope you’re maintaining that beginning-of-the-year momentum, but just in case, we’ve got another signature detox water blend for you to try. This one is for berry lovers!

Our Mountain Valley Sparkling Blackberry Pomegranate already has a clean, flavorful taste, but adding a few naturally low calorie berries to the mix can ensure you get more than great taste. Not only do fruits like strawberries provide the natural sugars that our bodies crave, but specifically, fresh blackberries actually contain some of the highest levels of antioxidants found in any fruit. They’re both loaded with Vitamin C, and the sweetness of the strawberry brings balance to the bitterness of the blackberry.

The Berry Well of Goodness
For this robust berry blend, just mix a handful of quartered strawberries and a few blackberries into our Mountain Valley Sparkling Blackberry Pomegranate water. Our mineral rich water provides high levels of calcium and naturally detoxifying alkalinity, but adding a few berries punches up the polyphenol antioxidants and vitamins your body should be getting everyday. A little extra vitamin C and fiber helps keep you moving.

Of course, you can create your own recipes, and we want to see what you come up with. Be sure to share on Instagram and tag us! You can also see more of our signature wellness water blends like, Third Eye Triple Citrus Twist and our favorite appetite suppressant mix, the Crisp Grapefruit & Mint Calorie Buster.

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