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Ahhh spring. Glorious, fresh-faced, morning-sun-warming-your-cheeks spring. The daffodils are almost finished with their finery and this year the dogwood blooms are the size of my palms. Spring is a wonderfully refreshing time, isn’t it?

Speaking of wonderfully refreshing, it only seems right that we raise our glasses to toast to the newness of the season. How about with a light-hearted and happy cocktail? And how about we incorporate edible flowers? The inspiration began forming as soon as I tasted Mountain Valley’s Blackberry Pomegranate Sparkling Essence.

My husband was completely on board with the cocktails. The edible flowers threw him for a loop.

The more I thought about it, the more I became enamored with the idea. What if we packed edible flowers in an ice cube tray and filled it up with the blackberry pomegranate sparkling water? As the ice cube melts, it would continually refresh the cocktail. Brilliant!

After all, what says spring more than a splash of flowers and fresh berries?

Cheers to spring!

Makes 2 cocktails


1 package of edible flowers
1⁄2 teaspoon pomegranate juice
1⁄2 teaspoon agave nectar
2 ounces vodka
6 ounces Mountain Valley’s Blackberry Pomegranate Sparkling Essence

2 rosemary sprigs, leaves removed halfway
2 raspberries


1. Place flowers in ice cube tray so that the blooms of the flowers are facing upward and fill trays with sparkling water. Depending on the size of your ice trays, you will use up to two cups of water. Place in freezer overnight to set.

2. When ready to prepare and serve cocktails, remove ice cubes and place in two six- ounce, double old fashioned cocktail glasses.

3. In cocktail shaker, add pomegranate juice, agave nectar, vodka, and sparkling water with crushed ice.

4. Shake vigorously for 30 seconds and strain drink into cocktail glasses.

5. Garnish with rosemary sprig and raspberry. Enjoy!

Happy spring.
Lyndi Fultz, nwafoodie

Arkansas Women Blogger member Lyndi Fultz writes about living and eating well from her life in beautiful Northwest Arkansas at nwafoodie. Much of her blogging inspiration comes from this gem of a place, which she refers to as the proverbial land of milk-and- honey. Read more related to cooking, entertaining, gadget suggestions, ingredient explorations, local finds, local restaurant treasures, kitchen tour spotlights, and always with a healthy and simplistic approach.

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