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Chef Daniel Bruce – Boston Harbor Hotel

This year marks Chef Daniel Bruce’s 30th anniversary as chef of the Boston Harbor Hotel, but his path was set before he was tall enough to reach his grandmother’s kitchen counter. He was one of the lucky few born knowing his culinary calling, and he’s transformed it into an internationally-renowned career. Chef Bruce’s pioneering approach starts with tasting wine. And then he creates dishes that complement and enhance the wine experience. His attention to detail and passion for developing great relationships are also a big part of his unique vision.

Chef Bruce’s earliest influence was his Northern New England grandmother, who cooked all of her dishes from scratch. He watched as she skipped store-bought ingredients in favor of homemade. Filled with delicious aromas, her kitchen was a beacon of warmth, and her food was the bond that brought the family together. “It stuck with me,” Chef Bruce says simply. That mix of food, love and inviting hospitality is his trademark today.

With such an early start, it’s no surprise Chef Bruce quickly found his way to a professional kitchen. After college, a 3-year apprenticeship helped broaden his skills, from pastry-making to charcuterie to meat-cutting. During his training, he met an Italian chef who immediately recognized his talent and invited him to come work in Italy. So Chef Bruce left behind the forests of Maine, broadening his culinary training first in Italy, then in Paris. As he says, “the more you can align yourself with successful people the better it is, because if you deliver for them they’ll deliver for you.”

When it was time to return to the USA, his Italian mentor delivered. He arranged a meeting for Chef Bruce with Le Cirque, one of the top restaurants in the country. He describes his phone call with the chef at Le Cirque as “the pivotal moment of my career.” It was a conversation that launched another influential relationship, as he joined that chef at Le Cirque for two years. From there, he became executive sous-chef at 21 Club, then Executive Chef one year later. He was just 27 at the time.

At 21 Club, Chef Bruce discovered wine. Originally an illicit speakeasy, 21 Club was the perfect place to embark on a journey of what he calls “wine and food synergy.” Chef Bruce began his unusual method of using a wine’s flavors to drive his food inspiration. In 1990 his immense passion for wines launched the Boston Wine Festival, the nation’s longest-running food and wine pairing series Over the past 30 years, he has cultivated friendships with winemakers from around the world. He credits his close relationships with his vintners to his desire to “honor their wine,” a philosophy of warmth that comes straight from his grandmother’s kitchen. “You’re at my home, I’m going to welcome you, embrace you and you’re one of the family.”

That welcome mat is out for his guests, too. They can count on a meticulously crafted dining experience, right down to his selection of drinking water at the hotel’s Meritage and Sea Grille restaurants. With so much care given to his flavor innovations, Chef Bruce wants a water that lets you “experience the wine and food without taking anything away from it.” Mountain Valley works for him because “it’s very clean. It’s pure. It enhances the experience.” The water is naturally sodium free with a crisp, refreshing taste, and it’s sourced right in the USA.

For a chef often found foraging for mushrooms in the woods before daybreak, tapping into ways to bring more earth-friendly, natural goodness to the table is part of his inherited value system. “I’ve been foraging for 40 years now. I do my own sausages. We make the bread. All the pastas, all the sauces, all the ingredients are made here. You get a customized experience,” just like in his grandmother’s kitchen. Spring water with a lower carbon footprint that completes a flavor profile without competing with it is a natural fit in his kitchen.

Chef Bruce was recently awarded the title of Vice Conseiller Culinaire, Bailliage de Boston by La Chaine des Rotisseurs, the oldest and largest food and wine society in the world, as well as having been honored twice as one of the best Hotel Chefs in America at the James Beard House. While he credits his success to surrounding himself “with people who are very passionate,” it’s clear his own passionate enthusiasm cultivates a sense of family wherever he goes. From being too little to see over the countertop to having the culinary world at his feet, Bruce continues to inspire and welcome.

If you’re traveling to Boston this June through August, be sure to visit the Boston Harbor Hotel to enjoy their series of events on Rowes Wharf. Live soul, rat pack and blues music share the floating barge stage with classic movies on the waterfront. And if you’ve been to Boston Harbor Hotel please share your photos and comments with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you want to know more about serving premium Mountain Valley Spring Water in your restaurant click here.

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